The inquiry launched less than a day after JustLeslie.com was attacked by hackers who reportedly published images of her driver’s license and passport, as well as explicit photos perhaps originating from her iCloud account. Besides, Leslie Jones’
website was defaced with a video of the gorilla Harambe, which was a clear racist attack against the actor, who has faced harassment and online bullying in 2016.
Leslie Jones is not the first victim whose hack is investigated by federal officials – the DHS agents led an investigation in 2015 that resulted in the arrest of a Bahamian man, who had allegedly hacked into celebrities’ email accounts looking for unreleased movie and TV scripts and private sex tapes. The man reportedly said that he had dossiers on at least 130 accounts of stars and executives in the entertainment industry.
Besides, the FBI also investigated the attack on Jennifer Lawrence, whose explicit photos were exposed two years ago, allegedly originating from her iCloud account. Back in 2015, Sony Pictures co-chair was forced to leave her position after the embarrassing emails with racially insensitive remarks about Barack Obama were revealed in result of the hack. At the time, North Korea was suspected of the attack.
Meanwhile, many celebrities have tweeted their support for Leslie Jones, with commentators noting that black women in powerful positions often face harassment and racist attacks. Twitter even had to permanently ban a British columnist who had aggressively targeted the comic.