BitTorrent and anonymity are not the same. If you really want to keep your activity private, your best way involves routing your BitTorrent connection through an external services – anonymous proxy, Tor or VPN.

A proxy server is an intermediary server that forwards requests for content from multiple clients to different servers across the Internet. Anonymous proxy hides the IP address of the client to bypass geo restrictions, unblock websites
Tor is free software for enabling anonymous communication. Tor is a computer network run by volunteers worldwide. Each volunteer runs what is called a relay, which is just a computer that runs software allowing users to connect to the Internet via the Tor network. messaging or downloading the files.
VPN or Virtual Private Network, is a group of computers networked together over internet. A VPN is designed to provide a secure, encrypted tunnel in which to send/receive the data between the user visitor and website/network. The information sent between the two locations through the encrypted tunnel cannot be read by anyone else.
So, what’s the best choice to anonymize BitTorernt Traffic?
Unfortunately, you will discover that free proxy servers rarely work. Public proxies have slow connection. Proxies do not have much bandwidth. On top of that, a proxy server with an IP rotating system, will not be sufficient to give you anonymity.
Tor is a very slow because your data is routed through a number of relays. ISPs are trying to block Tor relays, making it difficult for some users to connect.
With VPN your BitTorrent traffic will be completely anonymous. The IP will be replaced by IP address of the VPN server. The tunnel of data sending/receiving is completely encrypted and secure. The paid VPN providers offer unlimited speed and u unlimited bandwidth, tons of the servers in many countries, no logging, encrypting and full anonymity. Besides that, they accept Bitcoin and allow users stay anonymous completely. Government agencies cannot see what you are downloading, sharing or torrenting. While using Anonymous VPN you will never receive any copyright infringement letters from your ISP
So, the VPN is the best way to secure and anonymize your BitTorrent traffic completely!
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